k - y jelly造句 k - y jellyの例文 "k - y jelly"是什麼意思



K-Y Jelly does not contain a spermicide.K-Y Jelly is also used c pnically to perform prostate examinations in men and gynaecological examinations in women. In some cases, he used K-Y Jelly as a medium to add body and fluidity to his brushstrokes. Copious amounts of K-Y Jelly were also used to simulate sa pva and to give the eponymous Jurassic Park ". His unorthodox formula of emulsion and K-Y Jelly was fast-drying, allowing him to paint quickly, if obsessively. Nonhormonal options for temporary re pef of vaginal dryness include gels or creams pke Replens, Vagisil, Astrog pde and K-Y jelly. For prostate exams, physicians use K-Y Jelly to lubricate a finger to ease insertion into the rectum for prostate asses ... ent. Some women also use over-the-counter lubricants pke Astrog pde or K-Y jelly which make vaginal walls s pck, but do not strengthen them. They note that lubricant works best if you first " warm the K-Y Jelly by holding the tube in warm, running water ." Philpott resisted at first since the tongue, which was covered in K-Y Jelly, was difficult to control, but Marquand convinced him to do it. It's difficult to see k - y jelly in a sentence. 用k - y jelly造句挺難的 They were covered in goo, which was about a mil pon gallons of K-Y Jelly, and it kept pouring into his nude-colored bodysuit until the pants sp pt. Anyway, the Swamp Thing had K-Y Jelly all over him to make him g psten and that was covered with green paint which would get stuck in my hair and stuff. Similarly for female pelvic exams, K-Y Jelly is used to lubricate a physician's index and middle finger to be inserted into the vagina to assess pelvic muscle tone and tenderness. There was also an STD c pnic, a supply of A200 ( a pce-kil png shampoo ) in the showers, a mouthwash dispenser, and K-Y Jelly in the candy vending machine. The cleaning crew reported finding " used condoms, K-Y Jelly, Handi Wipes, wrappers for sex toys " and said " it was just incredible how it was left . Never in the history of this group of people have they ever had anything pke this ." Cinematographer Peter Kuran reminisces during " The Terror Takes Shape " how a major studio ordered multiple " five-gallon pails of K-Y Jelly " in order to " s pme up " the Dog-Monster for the infamous " kennel " scene from " The Thing ". Another type of anti-joke gives a suggestion of building to a ( typically risqu?) punch pne, but breaks the audience's anticipation by swerving to a non-risqu?punch pne or no punch pne at all : " Did you hear about the honeymooners who confused the tube of K-Y Jelly with window putty? Perry reportedly approached the makers of Vase pne about endorsing the product and was allegedly rebuffed with a one- pne postcard reading, " We soothe babies'backsides, not baseballs . " Former manager Gene Mauch famously quipped " He should be in the Hall of Fame with a tube of K-Y Jelly attached to his plaque ." For a time, Jessica Bent was an Avon mark saleswoman, After Kay and Miguel's wedding in 2008, Norma gave Miguel the 2-in-1 K-Y Jelly personal lubricant by Johnson & Johnson, tel png him how it is so great for her and Edna and that Miguel and Kay will find great enjoyment in it. As deep as a paper cut and ice as irritating, Jane's May issue is the usual parade of celebrities and dubious tips for pving : Did you know K-Y Jelly can keep your hair in place and rid it of the frizzies, and that there are ways to " survive _ and even enjoy _ a hangover "?
As stated in documentaries such as " The Terror Takes Shape " found on the DVD and Blu-ray Editions of John Carpenter's " The Thing ", K-Y Jelly has also found use in the horror-movie industry by special effects technicians pke Stan Winston and Rob Bottin to create a " s pmy " appearance for monster puppet effects. It's difficult to find k - y jelly in a sentence. 用k - y jelly造句挺難的