and games to motivate kids to learn chinese 先从拼音开始,配以相应的图画、课文韵文,生动优美的表情达意。 2. Body language is one of the best ways to find out what is really going on inside someone ' s head 知道吗,你的一颦一笑有时更能表情达意喔。快快来解读肢体语言吧。 3. We are not
looking for evidence that media personnel make choices ? that is an inevitable part of using symbols 我们并非在寻找媒体从业者炮制大众选择的证据? ?那是运用符号表情达意的一个无可避免的结果。 4. Human face is the window of munication in real world
and virtual face is of the same importance in virtual world 人脸是人类相互表达情感的重要部分。在计算机虚拟世界中,虚拟人脸是虚拟人表情达意的载体。 5. By and by the teaching media exerting itself by words and action has developed into written materials
and then into textbooks 表情达意的教学媒介由口耳相传、言传身教发展到文字性材料,并逐步形成为教科书。 6. Although younger babies can ' t sign yet and only have a passive understanding of what signs mean
older babies can learn to sign 虽然比较小的婴儿还不能自己使用手语,只能被动的?解手势的意义,大一点的幼儿就可以用手势表情达意。 7. Following the popularity and success of friendship day in us
many other countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends 随着美国友谊日在美国的普及,许多其他国家也开始沿袭美国这一传统,在友谊日这一天对朋友表情达意。 8. By imitating some typical symbols and details with certain choices
the design can be expressed in a contextual way
which is worth having an attempt in design 摘要有选择地引用经典建筑符号与手法,可以表情达意,可以使建筑作品有文脉可寻,不失为一种有益尝试。 9. Languages exist by arbitrary institutions and conventions among peoples ; words
as the dialectici ... l us
do not signify naturally
but at our pleasure 语言来源于人与人之间的默契和约定俗成。专家告诉我们,文字本身并没有固定的含义,而是人们信手拈来、表情达意的。
参考: cidian.xpcha/471g14rh4e6